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Lowell Awards Amazonian Mining Woman Scholarships

November 21, 2022 - Quito, Ecuador -  Lowell Mineral Exploration Ecuador S.A. (“Lowell”), a subsidiary of Solaris Resources Inc. (“Solaris” or the “Company”) today awarded twelve scholarships to Ecuadorian  female students from the Amazon to cover undergraduate tuition fees for studies in mining-related programs in the technical, environmental and social fields in Ecuador. The scholarships were granted under Lowell’s inaugural Amazonian Woman Scholarship program. The objective of the scholarship program is to promote and encourage the interest and professional participation of women in the industry, as well as to motivate best practices in the sector with a gender focus.

Federico Velásquez, Solaris’ President, Latin America said: “By awarding these scholarships, Solaris ratifies its commitment to the education of female leaders in the Amazon, as well as its corporate policies promoting diversity, equity and equality. We are convinced that the mining sector is one of the fundamental pillars for the development of the Amazon and the country and generates important opportunities for Ecuadorian women.”

The twelve recipients are from the provinces of Morona Santiago, Pastaza and Napo: Solania Unupi Zabala, Estefany Kinito Sando, Kerly Jaramillo Rivadeneira, Kimberly Matute Vera, Melva Taish Yampik, Claudia Wisum Yankuam, Jeslyn Reinoso López, Alexandra Lituma Pérez, Dayana Grefa Andy, Erika Rojas Estrada, Saida Huatatoca Mamallacta and María Fernanda Puetate Preciado.

Melva Ruth Taish Yampik, one of the scholarship recipients, commented: "I feel grateful to the Company for its role in helping Amazonian women acquire the skills needed to succeed in the mining industry.This contribution will serve to enrich our knowledge and get us more involved in the mining industry that generates resources for the development of our communities, region, and country.”

The “Amazon Mining Woman Scholarships” were awarded under the principles of academic excellence, diversity and inclusion, transparency, equality of opportunities and equity. The categories in which the scholarships were awarded are:

  • I am an Amazonian Mining Woman who takes care of and protects the territory
  • I am an Amazonian Mining Woman who participates in the technical development of the mining industry
  • I am an Amazonian Mining Woman who promotes community participation and social licensing

Solaris’ “Amazon Mining Woman Scholarships” program is part of its “2022 Sustainable Warintza” strategy, which promotes gender equality, inclusion and diversity, among other key principles which advance sustainable and effective development consistent with the 2030 United Nations Agenda Goals. According to data from the Gender Survey conducted by Women In Mining Ecuador and Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, there are 16% of women currently working in mining in Ecuador.

For more information
María Fernanda Poveda
Phone: +593 99 655 6655
E-mail address: [email protected]

About Lowell Mineral Exploration Ecuador S.A.

Lowell Mineral Exploration Ecuador S.A., a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Solaris, promotes the development of strategic alliances with key stakeholders in Ecuador to pave the path for sustainable responsible exploration best practices.

About Solaris Resources Inc.

Solaris is a multi-asset exploration company, advancing a portfolio of copper and gold assets in the Americas, which includes: its primary focus, a world class large-scale resource with expansion and discovery potential at the Warintza Project in Ecuador; discovery potential at its Ricardo Project and optioned and owned grass-roots Tamarugo Project in Chile; discovery potential at its Capricho and Paco Orco projects in Peru; and significant leverage to increasing copper prices through its 60% interest in the La Verde joint-venture project with a subsidiary of Teck Resources in Mexico. 

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This document contains certain forward-looking statements. All statements except statements of historical facts are forward-looking statements. The use of the words "may," "expect," "will," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements include statements about our intention, our current beliefs or expectations. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements as the Company cannot guarantee that such expectations will prove to be right. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. In addition, the forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements.