Local News

Lowell Hires 30 New Local Shift Workers for Regional Exploration

July 28, 2022 – Quito, Ecuador – Lowell Mineral Exploration Ecuador S.A. (“Lowell” or the “Company”), a subsidiary of Solaris Resources Inc. (“Solaris”), announces the hiring of 30 new, local shift workers for prospecting activities at its Warintza Project, located in the province of Morona Santiago.

The new workers, largely from the Kutukus, Tarimiant and San Carlos de Limón communities, of San Antonio Parish, Limón Canton, received training in corporate policy, occupational health and safety, geology, first aid, environment and community relations. The new employees, who underwent respective occupational medical exams prior to commencing, will work as prospecting assistants on the Company’s Clemente concession believed to host a series of epithermal targets.

Ricardo Obando, Lowell’s Country Manager, commented, “The Warintza Project has taken a decisive step forward through its exploration campaign by hiring local labour in its respective concessions, generating formal employment that reactivates the economy of the canton and the province in general. San Antonio workers now form part of the Lowell team in one of the main exploration projects in Ecuador.”

José Angamarca, newly hired employee, commented, “Lowell is providing work for the people of San Antonio parish. I like everything I’ve heard about the Company – by caring about people and including us all, Lowell is creating direct employment for many people who don’t have resources. This training has given us a greater understanding of what the Company is doing and all the work it is generating.”

Solaris promotes safe, productive, and full work in all its operations, in alignment with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

For more información: 
María Fernanda Poveda 
Phone: +593 99 655 6655 
Email: [email protected] 

About Lowell Mineral Exploration Ecuador S.A.

Lowell Mineral Exploration Ecuador S.A., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Solaris, promotes the development of strategic alliances with key stakeholders in Ecuador to pave the way for sustainable best practices in responsible exploration.

About Solaris Resources Inc.

Solaris is advancing a portfolio of copper assets in the Americas, focused on its Warintza Project in Ecuador that features a broad cluster of outcropping copper porphyry deposits anchored by a large-scale, high-grade open pit resource inventory at Warintza Central. Ongoing efforts are focused on rapid resource growth and further discovery drilling. The Company offers additional discovery potential at its portfolio projects: Capricho and Paco Orco in Peru, Ricardo via joint-venture with Freeport-McMoRan and Tamarugo in Chile, and significant leverage to increasing copper prices through its 60%-interest in the La Verde joint-venture with Teck Resources in Mexico. For more information, visit www.solarisresources.com.

Cautionary Notes and Forward-Looking Statements

This document contains certain forward-looking statements. All statements except statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. The use of the words "may", "expect", "will" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements include statements about our intention, our current beliefs, or expectations. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements as the Company cannot guarantee that such expectations will prove to be correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. In addition, the forward-looking statements contained in this document are made as of the date of this document and the Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements.